Cleanse, refresh and enliven your skin with the invigorating rituals of the Bundjalungs. The hydrating and antioxidant-packed Australian Tea Tree Toner by Timeless Beauty Secrets is a harmony of ingredients that hydrate, fight free radicals, balance sebum production, lighten skin, fight inflammation and heal scars. The toner also casts an antibacterial and antifungal shield over the skin and maintains the skin’s natural pH balance. The formulation contains ingredients like tea tree oil, aloe vera, salicylic acid, neem, ginger, calendula and rosemary oil. Other power-packed ingredients include green tea, mulberry, glycerin, honey, lemon peel, cucumber and soothing peppermint oil, all of which combine to deeply hydrate and clear the complexion, infuse moisture and leave skin hydrated, fresh and clear.
252/1, palm meadows
Contact Person Mathangi Sampath