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SEDY FILL Combines three essential elements to make the ideal body filler:
1. High viscosity and a high degree of cohesiveness
2. Maximum gel hardness (when the injection is carried out, it can be controlled precisely, and there isn't any displacement following the procedure)
3. Simple to form (excellent ability to form)
The Filler is specifically designed to aid in the replenishment of soft tissues in volumetric form and body contouring
Correction of the shape and size of the breasts;
- Revamping of volume and correction of the asymmetry of the buttocks.
Correction of the irregularity of the legs.
Replenishment and alignment of soft tissues following the volumetric liposuction procedure;
Elimination of any skin surface irregularities that are caused, for instance, through liposuction.
The Intimate Contoured Plastic