N-BTX +Peeling combines gel and mask sheet to create carbonic acid, keeping the effective ingredients in the gel and effectively absorbing them into the skin and mucous membrane.
The combination of gel and facial masking sheets produces carbonic acid, which is transferred to the skin while keeping the effective ingredients in the gel.
When the gel and facial masking sheet are combined, clean carbon is produced which supplies a large amount of nutrients to the skin by reaching the dermal layer.
When carbon put into the dermal layer, the blood flow in the skin increases during the exchange process of carbon and oxygen so that it promotes skin normalization, skin regeneration, waste discharge, and elasticity enhancement.
If you stick the sheet to your skin that is covered with gel, carbonic acid starts to bubble, which helps to push dirt out of the skin and carefully and efficiently remove dead cells. Also carbon is not blown out, but stays in the gel and is passed to the skin.
So the carbon that went into the blood vessels releases oxygen from hemoglobin in the red blood cell and supplies oxygen to the skin.
The peeling can be used for all skin types (including sensitive and trouble skin), although it may cause a little bit redness and stinging, the redness subsides within a few minutes.